Better driver training starts here
NSW Driver Trainers Association is the peak industry body for driving schools and trainers in New South Wales. We invite Learners to find a local driving instructor and get good resources here.
New Member applications for 2025 now open
All qualified, credentialed Driving Instructors across NSW are urged to join the Association. Your membership shows you run a professional business focused on teaching low-risk driving skills to help make our roads and travels more safe.
Driving Instructor membership is $150 per year with renewals due 31st March 2026. We welcome Associate Members at $75 per year and encourage supporters, educators and public servants to sign up.

NSW Driver Trainers Association at a glance
Our members and Committee all share a commitment to safe, successful driving education for the NSW public. They uphold our Code of Conduct and stay up to date with the latest in road rules and vehicle technology. Along with many member benefits like reduced insurance, automotive discounts and more, our Committee has a voice on a state and national level. If you’re a driver trainer, talk to our committed, helpful, proactive team to find out how we can help make your business better.
Get the best road experience with NSW DTA member Driving Instructors
Our Code of Best Practice is a guideline for members to meet and maintain high standards for quality, knowledge and customer care. This Code is shared with and accepted by new and renewing members. We uphold these principles with specific requirements outlined to deliver the best possible driving instruction to learners and the public.
Our key principles include:
- Courtesy in behaviour, instruction and assessments
- Punctuality for lesson appointments
- Good Presentation of vehicle and instructor
- Expert Knowledge of theory and road rules
- Client Respect for confidentiality and learning
- Fit & Proper as medically fit and of good character
- Ethical Conduct in business and practice
Looking for Driving Training?
We’ll send you a list of qualified NSW DTA members in your area. The choice is yours!

Find the nearest NSW Driver Trainers Association registered driving school or trainer in your region. With over 220,000 Driving Tests taken each year in NSW, good driving experience with driving instructors makes a difference to pass rates for L plates. Our members are experienced driver trainers who want to make all new drivers road smart, sensible and successful.
Learn to Drive with NSW DTA
Free resources here to share with young drivers for a safe start on the road. We offer insights and share the best reference materials available to promote good learner drivers. Our high standards support only experienced driving instructors as they guide learners, parents and carers at this important crossroads to driving responsibilities. Check out these links for reliable material to share with Learners and parents or carers
Online Resources: Click on bold titles
- L Plates – website and resources for learner drivers
- Road Users Handbook – publications from NSW Transport
- NRMA – Tips for getting a Learner Licence
- Driver Knowledge Test – Practice online from Service NSW
- Know the Rules – Road Safety and Mobile Phone use

Member Benefits of a respected industry Association
We are a Committee and Association officers who actively work to be at the forefront of safe driving and quality driver education in NSW. As independent owners of Driving Schools ourselves, we look for helpful ways to support and promote all our member driving trainers. We also have Sponsorship opportunities and special offers for members to save on relevant services.
Join us! NSW DTA full Membership is $150 annually. Click the New Member form to submit online to activate your membership. Renewing Members should click to receive an email with renewal instructions. We look forward to welcoming you.
The Safer Drivers Course logo is a trade mark of Transport for NSW of 18 Lee Street, Chippendale NSW Australia.
PCYC NSW exclusively engages NSW DTA Members as coaches to deliver the NSW Safer Drivers Course at over 60 PCYC locations across NSW.
Glad to see you! Let’s renew you…
NSW DTA members receive renewal emails each January and are invited to update their data. If you did not receive this or are a lapsed member (more than one year) please drop us this prompt and look for an email in your inbox shortly.
Our NSW DTA Officers 2025
2025 NSW DTA Committee:
- David Kennedy – (Albury)
- Christine Hillis – (Wagga Wagga)
- Peter Short, – (Sydney)
- Matthew Phillpott – (Sydney)
- Diana Lozell – (Sydney)
- John-Ransome-Haberley – (Sydney)
- Nicolo Zappulla – (Sydney)
- Peter Jude – Public Officer – (Forster)
Our aim is to help driving instructors be the best they can be through information, resources to share with customers and professional development opportunities. We give members a voice in the industry, share timely news and provide relevant driving-related discounts and special deals.

We’re social! Share and learn with us
Members have access to our Private Members Forum. Industry news, relevant announcements and member promotion are all part of our regular updates on Facebook. Follow us at We and our members also have profiles on LinkedIn to show our credentials and background. For special events we use Instagram.
Interested in becoming a driving instructor?
Talk to us! NSW DTA encourages qualified, like-minded applicants to pursue this rewarding career. Contact a NSW DTA member in your area (see Find an Instructor buttons) to find out about mentor opportunities. See what it takes to get a Driving Instructor License at DARE More details at NSW Transport (Roads and Maritime Services) or contact any of the listed RMS approved Instruction Facilities.
RMS approved Instruction Facilities
- 121 Driver Training, 0407 938 398
- ACT (Australian Construction and Transport) Training, 1300 798 012
- DARE (Driver and Rider Education), 1800 111 424
- Further Education Training and Assessment, 0412 772 203
- PVET Institute, (02) 9418 8953
- RLI Training P/L, 1300 938 506
- Trent Education, (02) 8748 4555
- Intelligent Training Solutions 1300 585 866
- Academy of Road Safety (02) 9863 7999
- Watto Training 0459 840 006
- New Teach Training Centre 0402 576 393
Check out our latest activity on Facebook.
Get in touch
Need information on membership or driver training in your area?
Drop us an email: