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We drive business to our Sponsors

Get on board with NSW DTA!

We appreciate sponsors and deliver great benefits

Your business support shows you care about the safety and sensibility of good driver training across NSW. Your participation helps us implement important changes in road and traffic safety and champion initiatives for all of our Members.

Driving Instructors and Schools across NSW are small businesses who trust our advice and leadership in the industry. Our Members are loyal, active advocates who pledge to our Code of Best Practice to ensure quality driver education.

High value options: Sponsor benefits through 2022-2023

Become a Sponsor and secure your promotion through 2023 or until EOFY 2024. Your business will have longevity and digital exposure to our Members and the public along with many other business-building opportunities.

Sponsor opportunities are available*!

  • Sign writers & vehicle graphics
  • Workwear & Uniform suppliers
  • Tyres retailers
  • Financial Planners
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Car Insurance
  • Accountants
  • IT Support
  • Website Developers
  • Car dealers
  • Mechanics
  • Automotive Specialists
  • Car accessory retailers
  • Mobile phone resellers
  • Health Care providers
  • Home improvement trades
  • Professional Driving RTO

*strikethrough indicates unavailable category; we already have sponsors in these areas.

Great value sponsor promotion package

Website Banner Advertising & Profile

Professionally created to link through to sponsor website or landing page. Business profile on our Sponsors page. Year-end analytics show click-throughs.

Promotional Member Email recognition

Quarterly member email updates include sponsor logos & blurb with link to website. Great value at only $75 per email!

Facebook Post recognition

Welcome post followed by reminders of special offer and to visit this sponsor.

Online Advertising to DTA Members

Our Members Only page and FB Group has Classifieds for vehicle sales and a job board. Sponsors can submit monthly ads for any duration.

Workshop or guest speaker opportunities

We can help you set up a podcast, webinar or speaking engagement at our AGM.

Certificate of Recognition

Show your support proudly with a handsome certificate that says you care about the safety & skill of young drivers as well as helpful assessors of aging drivers.

There’s never been a better time to join.

We have so much on offer with an ambitious Committee and super-charged President (David Kennedy). Our Members have already seen what we do to represent them, promote them and even (as with recent Covid-19 issues), protect them.

This member offer is to enlist support for an even stronger Association. With so much adversity in 2020, these are challenging times to run a small business. Our Member schools and driving instructors have reached out frequently and, we’re pleased to say, we’ve been able to help in so many ways with advice, promotion and support. 

Our upcoming AGM promises to be an exciting event rescheduled for November 2020. Even with social distancing measures likely relaxed, we plan to give all Members around the state access to this event as a ZOOM live feed. Plus we’ll be awarding prizes to Members who refer new members or get new Sponsors. Don’t miss out!

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    Small heading here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mollis volutpat semper. Donec eu nibh nec augue congue volutpat commodo in ipsum

      Contact Details

      Business Details

      Are you GST Registered? Is an Accountant used?

      Working arrangement

      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar1]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar2]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar3]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?

      Membership Details

      Can we list you on our publicly accessed website? Receive our email updates & News?

      Area(s) which you service: SydneyHunterNorthSouthSouth WestWest
      Languages you speak and understand (other than English):
      Do you have NRMA roadside assist or similar?
      Are you a current Older Driver Assessor?
      Are you an HVCBA Assessor?[group hvcba-group][/group]
      Are you Keys2drive Accredited?[group k2d-group][/group]
      Are you Driver Rehabilitation qualified?
      Do you have a Cert IV in Driving Instruction?
      [group certdi-group][/group]
      Do you have a Cert IV in Training and Assessing?
      [group certta-group][/group]
      Do you teach the NSW ‘Safer Drivers Course’?
      [group safer-group]As a facilitator of Module 1? As Module 2 coach? [/group]
      Were you referred to NSW DTA through an existing member?
      Terms & Conditions.
      Please make payment through direct deposit and enter your receipt number below. Bank details: St George 112 879 a/c NSW Driver Trainers Association 429 731 615.

      There’s never been a better time to join.

      We have so much on offer with an ambitious Committee and super-charged President (David Kennedy). Our Members have already seen what we do to represent them, promote them and even (as with recent Covid-19 issues), protect them.

      This member offer is to enlist support for an even stronger Association. With so much adversity in 2020, these are challenging times to run a small business. Our Member schools and driving instructors have reached out frequently and, we’re pleased to say, we’ve been able to help in so many ways with advice, promotion and support. 

      Our upcoming AGM promises to be an exciting event rescheduled for November 2020. Even with social distancing measures likely relaxed, we plan to give all Members around the state access to this event as a ZOOM live feed. Plus we’ll be awarding prizes to Members who refer new members or get new Sponsors. Don’t miss out!

      What an offer! Save 30-50% Introductory Deal

      Over $2k of value for under $1k to reach a targeted, qualified audience of Driver Trainers across NSW for up to 18 months.


        DARE – Driver And Rider Education

        DARE – Driver And Rider Education Pty Ltd – is a dedicated RTO (RTO 90431) to help people achieve their specialised driving qualifications. Operating since 1998, DARE is accredited by ASQA and Transport for NSW to deliver and assess vocational education for drivers and driving instructors.

        DARE offers flexible group and individual tuition to become a:

        • Driving Instructor
        • Driving Assessor
        • Heavy Vehicle Driver

        NSW DTA is honoured to have a DARE principal, Russell Oats, as our Association Public Officer and a long-time Member. Visit their website for full driving course curriculum or get in touch with them on 1800 111 424.


        ShowellTech is a leading provider of business computer support, website design and computer repairs across NSW. They designed and host our website with outstanding skill and knowledge.

        ShowellTech, a Sponsor since May 2020, offers Members the following advantages:

        • Free Consult to NSW DTA Members on IT issues
        • Technical help for small business productivity
        • Website design or upgrades at 20% discount
        • Laptop or Computer purchase advice and cost analysis

        Based in Nowra on NSW South Coast but offering remote service for most support, ShowellTech was a finalist in two categories of the Shoalhaven Business Awards 2019. NSW DTA is delighted to have them as our valued Sponsor. Visit ShowellTech today!

        Get in touch

        Need information on membership or driver training in your area?

        Drop us an email: