Step up and join our NSW DTA Executive Committee
NSW DTA is a not-for-profit Association run by volunteers elected as the Executive Committee and supported by a part-time paid Admin. In 2019 when the NSW DTA was starting to lose steam, a new Committee was elected with a lot of enthusiasm to get us back into pole position as an industry peak body for Driving Schools and Trainers.
It’s been a busy year for NSW DTA. If you think you could help drive our progress even more, we want you on the team. From now until November AGM, new recruits could be ‘Honorary Committee Members’ with input but without voting rights. Standing with us now would not commit you to running for office or Committee, but we appreciate your voice.
What does a Committee Member do?
Our NSW DTA Executive Committee is proud to work as a team. We draw on the skills and talents of each Member to set our goals and take actions to achieve them. We are responsible to make all decisions in the best interest of the Association to uphold our reputation as peak industry body representing Driving Schools & Instructors in NSW.
Communication is at the heart of all we do. When something needs to be addressed, we discuss an action plan and share ways to implement it. For example, in the recent situation of Driver Testing backlogs from Covid-19 closures at Service NSW Centres, we made calls to Governance authorities, polled our Members with a survey, and shared our suggestions with RMS and SNSW. In other cases we set tasks to research and explore to see what an outcome could mean to the Association.
So what’s it take to have a voice?
A few hours per month on average. Keeping up with emails and IMs on hot topics means checking in on your device and replying. Yes, our Admin person stays on top of it all and flags us regularly with ‘what’s next’ for our input.
Meetings have traditionally been 4 times a year in Sydney but with Covid restrictions we’ve actually benefited by having meetings over ZOOM more frequently (monthly) given the many issues we’re trying to tackle. The Committee has recently approved continuing with three Face-to-Face meetings annually plus the AGM along with ZOOM meetings as required. Committee Members are reimbursed travel expenses to attend these Sunday morning meetings. They will be scheduled in different towns for 2021.
2020 ticks for major achievements.
Despite the obvious setbacks suffered this year –including bush fires affecting some of our trainers, losing two committee Members, then facing the pandemic and trying to take a responsible role to manage impact –we’ve ticked a lot of boxes with a truly proactive Committee, strong leadership and expert support.
Some of this year’s highlights
- Admin support (P/T) for Members services & promote NSW DTA
- New identity with strong logo and Member materials
- New website with great functionality for public to find Members
- New Facebook pages for public and Members Only
- Regular emails to Members to update important issues
- Responsive Committee to address Covid-19 impact
- Proactive dialogue with State Gov bodies and Orgs
- Increased website visits (over 1k) with Google campaign
- Monthly Committee ZOOM meetings
“I’ve had a great time on Committee this year as part of a super-energetic team with amazing ideas and a commitment to get them done.”
–Peter Jude, Secretary

Committee roles and requirements
Executive Committee officers and members are elected at our AGM, 9 November 2020 at Bankstown Sports Club if Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. Note, we are also providing for a ZOOM LIVE STREAM for the event so either way, the show will go on.
All positions will be open for nomination. Until then, we are seeking more Advisers to join us for our next few months of initiatives.
President: Guides us and gives vision and leadership, including strategic direction. Keeps on top of issues and proposes actions.
Vice President: Significant 2nd chair and stands-in when President is unavailable.
Treasurer: Ensures financial matters of the Association are in check, including regular transactions and reporting.
Secretary: Accountable for Minutes of all meetings to record topics, discussion and outcomes. Little or no correspondence is required as our Admin looks after most.
Adviser: Someone with general input or to take the baton in a special area like Fundraising, Communications, Events, Recruitment, etc.
I joined NSW DTA because in my experience there is strength in numbers to be professionally represented.
-Allen Shrimpton
Be a squeaky wheel!
With so much traction already, we’re keen to keep moving forward. We have several initiatives on the go and need help to keep our rubber on the road. Please lend a hand because ‘More hands make light work.’ Drop a note to President David Kennedy at or to Karen at
I joined the NSWDTA committee to have a better understanding of the industry and how we could assist the decision makers in the road safety arena. My career has been all about road safety. Education, enforcement and Investigation have all been significant factors shaping my passion about this industry. I hope by leading a motivated team of enthusiastic like minded people, we as a group and industry at large can shape the future of driver education and road safety.
-David Kennedy, President 2020
Like what you see? Join us. Go see our full list of Member Benefits.
What are you waiting for? Get ahead with NSW DTA
It’s easy to join. Register your interest here…
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Get in touch
Need information on membership or driver training in your area?
Drop us an email: