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DRIVE Lite – October

Welcome to the October edition of DRIVE Lite – Driving Instructors. This edition is all about road safety with October being Motorcycle Awareness Month, as well as reminding road users about the importance of safety around heavy vehicles.

Motorcycle Awareness Month 2023

Every October, Transport for NSW (Transport) supports Motorcycle Awareness Month (MAM), an initiative of the Motorcycle Council of NSW.

Motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable road users. On average, 57 motorcyclists are killed and 1,042 are seriously injured on NSW roads every year. In 2023, we’ve already lost 32 motorcyclists on our roads. Transport is determined to continue working to ensure their safety, and the safety of all road users.

Transport has several programs to support motorcycle riders and their passengers that learner motorcyclists may not be aware of.

The Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Program (MotoCAP) tests motorcycle clothing such as boots, jackets, gloves, and pants. The clothing is then given a star rating for breathability and safety, so riders can choose gear that is both safe and comfortable.

The Consumer Rating Assessment of Safety Helmets (CRASH) program tests motorcycle helmets so riders are comfortable during long rides and less likely to be injured if involved in a crash.

How can you get involved with MAM?

  • Follow and share the road safety posts on the NSW Road Safety page.
  • Check out our MotoCAP and CRASH programs and encourage motorcycle riders in your lives to choose the safest gear for their ride.
  • Read about how to stay safe on NSW roads as a motorcyclist and as a driver.

Be Truck Aware

It’s important for all road users, particularly inexperienced drivers, to be truck aware. Due to their length and size, most heavy vehicles have additional blind spots to regular cars, which can make it difficult for drivers of heavy vehicles to spot other road users and pedestrians.

Please remind your students to avoid merging in front of trucks when driving, as trucks can’t stop as quickly as other light vehicles on our roads.

A B-double truck travelling at only 40km/h can take up to 44 metres to stop. If the same truck is travelling at 60km/h, the stopping distance more than doubles to 90 metres.

It’s important that everyone plays a part in staying safe on our roads – whether you’re walking, cycling, riding or driving, always take care around trucks. For more information, visit the Transport website.

Transport for NSW

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    Small heading here

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      Contact Details

      Business Details

      Are you GST Registered? Is an Accountant used?

      Working arrangement

      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar1]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar2]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar3]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?

      Membership Details

      Can we list you on our publicly accessed website? Receive our email updates & News?

      Area(s) which you service: SydneyHunterNorthSouthSouth WestWest
      Languages you speak and understand (other than English):
      Do you have NRMA roadside assist or similar?
      Are you a current Older Driver Assessor?
      Are you an HVCBA Assessor?[group hvcba-group][/group]
      Are you Keys2drive Accredited?[group k2d-group][/group]
      Are you Driver Rehabilitation qualified?
      Do you have a Cert IV in Driving Instruction?
      [group certdi-group][/group]
      Do you have a Cert IV in Training and Assessing?
      [group certta-group][/group]
      Do you teach the NSW ‘Safer Drivers Course’?
      [group safer-group]As a facilitator of Module 1? As Module 2 coach? [/group]
      Were you referred to NSW DTA through an existing member?
      Terms & Conditions.
      Please make payment through direct deposit and enter your receipt number below. Bank details: St George 112 879 a/c NSW Driver Trainers Association 429 731 615.

      Get in touch

      Need information on membership or driver training in your area?

      Drop us an email: