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NSW Government response

Inquiry into mobile speed camera enforcement programs in NSW

The NSW government has released its response to the Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety’s (Staysafe) inquiry into Mobile speed camera enforcement programs in NSW report which was handed down in May 2022.

Some of the positive recommendations made by Staysafe that were supported by the government include:

  • Public education campaigns around safety benefits of mobile speed cameras.
  • Independent review of recent changes to the program.
  • Publishing the Centre for Road Safety’s criteria for mobile speed camera enforcement locations.
  • Public education campaigns on policy criteria for locations of mobile speed camera enforcement, and the outcomes of increasing enforcement hours.
  • Review of safety benefits and the nature of appropriate speed enforcement in road work zones.
  • Review of how information about speeding offences is presented on the Revenue NSW website.
  • Promote an education campaign to inform the public about how fine revenue from mobile speed camera program is spent on road safety initiatives through the Community Road Safety Fund.
  • Regularly publish information about the Community Road Safety Fund including the outcome of all funded programs and initiatives.
  • Consult with local councils, relevant peak bodies and road safety advocates when implementing future changes to the mobile speed camera program, to promote understanding and awareness of the changes.

However, to the detriment of road safety the government also supported the increase in signage for mobile speed cameras noting that this was to address key community concerns and to enhance driver awareness.

ACRS completed a submission to the inquiry which you can view here.

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