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Instruction Aids: Our Structured Lesson Plans

To help our Members share detailed competency reports on Learners lessons, we’ve created 20 Structured Lesson Plans (SLPs) in synch with Learner Log Book topics. While some Driving Schools or RTOs have a wider array of topics, we elected to follow the Log Book sections of learning.

The Association has made a considerable investment to create these bespoke SLPs as a unique Member benefit. Keeping detailed lesson records is important in case of an audit from Transport for NSW to justify the 3-for-1 hours entitlement for learner lessons.

Members can now download with interactive PDFs coming soon

Each of the 20 SLPs as well as the Student Record (Assessment and Lesson Log) are pdf downloads to print or upload to your device. They will soon become interactive  forms as digitally editable. We are doing this in stages to iron out any wrinkles before releasing these as interactive forms, likely available before year-end.

Questions? Suggestions?

We welcome your input on how to make these an even more valuable part of your instructor toolkit. Get in touch via email to

Our suite of Student Records and SLPs

Click into the Members portal to view and access all the SLPs.

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    Small heading here

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      Contact Details

      Business Details

      Are you GST Registered? Is an Accountant used?

      Working arrangement

      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar1]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar2]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar3]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?

      Membership Details

      Can we list you on our publicly accessed website? Receive our email updates & News?

      Area(s) which you service: SydneyHunterNorthSouthSouth WestWest
      Languages you speak and understand (other than English):
      Do you have NRMA roadside assist or similar?
      Are you a current Older Driver Assessor?
      Are you an HVCBA Assessor?[group hvcba-group][/group]
      Are you Keys2drive Accredited?[group k2d-group][/group]
      Are you Driver Rehabilitation qualified?
      Do you have a Cert IV in Driving Instruction?
      [group certdi-group][/group]
      Do you have a Cert IV in Training and Assessing?
      [group certta-group][/group]
      Do you teach the NSW ‘Safer Drivers Course’?
      [group safer-group]As a facilitator of Module 1? As Module 2 coach? [/group]
      Were you referred to NSW DTA through an existing member?
      Terms & Conditions.
      Please make payment through direct deposit and enter your receipt number below. Bank details: St George 112 879 a/c NSW Driver Trainers Association 429 731 615.

      Get in touch

      Need information on membership or driver training in your area?

      Drop us an email: