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NSW DTA in consultation on Driver Trainer qualifications: Final Stages

Qualifications for Certificate IV Driving Instruction are currently in review. This is an important topic to the NSW DTA as we represent qualified, committed Driving Instructors as members who have impeccable standards and practices to teach Learner drivers.

NSW DTA Members can now join our Member Forum to express views on this and see all current material as this initiative reaches final stages. All comments are welcome before 21 April 2022. Go to 

Why this matters to the Association

First up, the Federal Government reviews all vocational education Qualifications every five years to ensure they meet current industry expectations. Driving Instruction qualifications were last reviewed in 2016 so a standards evaluation is well due.

The NSW DTA has always encouraged best practice skills and ongoing training. We look at all relevant credentials before accepting any Driving Instructor members and steer clear of unscrupulous driver trainers. Meeting qualifications are high on our requirements list.

From 10 December 2021, public discussion was invited to comment on draft materials published by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of Australian Industry Standards (AIS). The findings are to help develop Skill Sets and Units of Competency to ensure the skills and knowledge requirements in the qualification address State and territory regulations for driving and riding instructors

The Association took time in February to review TAC reports and share our point of view: We want to see more rigorous, more specific qualification requirements among those who receive Cert IV in Driver Training, not simplified versions of entry.

Our Forum gives Members a voice

The TAC finding was to combine all Cert IV qualifications (in Driving, HV and Motorcycle) into ONE single qualification: TLI41221Y Certificate IV in Driver Training.

The Association submissions (two) have urged that higher standards of training and qualifications be developed. We are opening this topic to our Members who can share their comments and thoughts on our Member Portal Forum. Simply login to access the Forum from 1 March 2022 at

Proposed Draft materials can be reviewed on the AIS website TLI Driving Instruction page to see details on Qualification, Units of Competency and Skill Sets as pdfs. We will use Member input to share with the AIS over their next round of Public Consultation to run through March-April

Not a member? Join NSW DTA today to be represented in this and other important industry initiatives. Membership is open to fully qualified professional Driving Instructors in NSW.

Authored by Karen Robbins, NSW DTA Executive Admin, with Committee review and approval.

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    Small heading here

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      Contact Details

      Business Details

      Are you GST Registered? Is an Accountant used?

      Working arrangement

      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar1]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar2]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?
      Do you need to enter information for another vehicle?
      [group extracar3]
      Tranmission Type: Are disabled driver controls fitted?

      Membership Details

      Can we list you on our publicly accessed website? Receive our email updates & News?

      Area(s) which you service: SydneyHunterNorthSouthSouth WestWest
      Languages you speak and understand (other than English):
      Do you have NRMA roadside assist or similar?
      Are you a current Older Driver Assessor?
      Are you an HVCBA Assessor?[group hvcba-group][/group]
      Are you Keys2drive Accredited?[group k2d-group][/group]
      Are you Driver Rehabilitation qualified?
      Do you have a Cert IV in Driving Instruction?
      [group certdi-group][/group]
      Do you have a Cert IV in Training and Assessing?
      [group certta-group][/group]
      Do you teach the NSW ‘Safer Drivers Course’?
      [group safer-group]As a facilitator of Module 1? As Module 2 coach? [/group]
      Were you referred to NSW DTA through an existing member?
      Terms & Conditions.
      Please make payment through direct deposit and enter your receipt number below. Bank details: St George 112 879 a/c NSW Driver Trainers Association 429 731 615.

      Get in touch

      Need information on membership or driver training in your area?

      Drop us an email: