On the road Towards Zero
Refresh your knowledge during Road Rules Awareness Week
Road Rules Awareness Week is coming up in August, so take some time to brush up on your knowledge of the top 10 misunderstood road rules. The road is there to share and road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Whether you’re in a car or truck, on a motorcycle or bike, or a pedestrian, you can help keep yourself and others safe. Knowing the road rules is one of the best ways we can look out for each other on our roads. Put your knowledge to the test with our quiz. Take the quiz
Bringing the Mob home safely
Last month, Transport with Durri Aboriginal Health Service at South Kempsey held an Aboriginal Child Restraint Community Information Day to raise awareness about the importance of properly fitting and using child car seats. Eleven free child car seats were provided on the day to eligible customers and six existing child car seats were professionally inspected. Vouchers were also available on the day to have child car seats fitted by an authorised fitter in the near future. Learn more about how we’re working with Aboriginal communities to make our roads safer.
Don’t let a ‘roo-tine’ drive lead to a crash
Native wildlife on the road, such as kangaroos, wallabies, wild horses and livestock, can be a risk to drivers and riders.One in every 41 crashes resulting in injury or death on country roads involves a vehicle hitting an animal. Between 2013 and 2022* there were 1,384 crashes with an animal on a country road which resulted in injury or death to the road user. *Preliminary data 22 May 2023 Learn more about animals on country roads.
A new chapter for Centre for Road Safety
The new Centre for Road Safety website launched in June. You can now find information in one place, based on your life stage including parents and carers, young drivers and older road users. Road safety data, information and resources are also grouped together by road user; drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders, pedestrians and passengers. Other improvements include:
- more concise information across less pages, making it easier to find the information you need
- improved accessibility, and layout optimised for mobile phone viewing.
Meet Fiona Frost
Transport’s very own Fiona Frost has been featured in the Australasian College of Road Safety’s video series, ‘Women in Road Safety’ which celebrates inspiring women who have chosen, and sometimes unexpectedly found themselves, in a road safety career. Fiona joined Transport in 2022 and is a Senior Safe Systems Project Officer delivering the Greater Sydney Behavioural Program. She regularly implements road safety activations to engage the community across Greater Sydney in road safety including motorcycle and pedestrian safety and supporting events such as National Road Safety Week. What does Fiona look forward to in the future? “I’d like to continue to support disadvantaged communities access road safety information so they’re able to make the best possible choices for themselves and their families.” Watch more here.
Happy days
Transport will be heading to the upcoming field day events to promote safety on our roads and waterways. Road users in country areas face specific challenges, and field days are a great way to meet with locals in the regions. We share information on a range of topics, including level crossings safety, vehicle safety features and road safety treatments. We’ll have a car on display that has been struck by a train, to show people first-hand the impact of not following level crossing safety controls, warning lights and signs.
Event dates
- AgQuip: Tues 22 – Thurs 24 August
- Henty Machinery Field Days: Tues 19 – Thurs 21 September
- Australian National Field Days: Thurs 26 – Sat 28 October
Do you have a great road safety idea?
The Community Road Safety Grants will be open for applications on 1 August 2023.
Eligible community organisations can submit an application to improve road safety in their local community and help achieve our goal of zero road trauma in NSW. Two categories of grants; ($5000 or $30,000) are available for projects with a positive impact on road safety. Learn more about how the Grants have helped organisations likeThe Clontarf Foundation and Novocycle provide positive road safety outcomes for their communities. If you or an organisation you know have a small-scale road safety project idea, check your eligibility and apply here.
Applications close 12 September 2023 4pm.
National Road Safety Week
Transport, local councils and road safety partners across NSW worked together to raise awareness of road safety during National Road Safety Week in May. Landmarks across the state were lit up in yellow to commemorate the week and engagement activities were organised by regional and local council teams. Here’s a recap of many creative and engaging activities which created a big impact in our communities.
Road Safety Calendar 2023
Rail Safety Week | 7 – 13 August
An annual initiative designed to engage the community in safe rail practices. Learn more ›
Road Rules Awareness Week | 21 – 27 August
Road Rules Awareness Week gives all road users the chance to improve their knowledge of the NSW road rules. Learn more ›
bstreetsmart | 22 – 24 August
This event encourages students from years 10 to 12 to adopt safe behaviours as drivers, riders and passengers. Learn more ›
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Get in touch
Need information on membership or driver training in your area?
Drop us an email: admin@nswdta.com.au