Drive Lite – update from Transport for NSW
Welcome to the first edition of DRIVE Lite – Heavy Vehicle Competency Based Assessment (HVCBA), a new update from Transport for NSW (Transport) about what’s happening in your scheme.
DRIVE Lite is all about giving you timely and relevant information that’s important to you, and we hope to reduce the frequency of other ad-hoc communications. In each edition, we will share advice on how you can meet your regulatory obligations regarding your participation in the HVCBA under your scheme agreement.
By sharing and discussing best practice with the HVCBA community, you can help Transport achieve our target of zero trauma on the transport network by 2056. This goal and our plans to achieve it are outlined in our 2026 Road Safety Action Plan. Please have a look at the plan to see just how important our work with you is in reducing road deaths and injuries in NSW.
Next week is National Road Safety Week 14-21 May. Each year approximately 1,200 people are killed, while around 40,000 more receive serious injuries. Please watch and share this video to help build awareness and commitment to driving safely.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mollis volutpat semper. Donec eu nibh nec augue congue volutpat commodo in ipsum
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