New support website for learner drivers , supervisors and Driving Instructors We are excited to announce our new venture into the speciality training area for Autism Driver training. Our courses will be for driving instructors wanting to increase professional...
DRIVE Lite – HVCBA DRIVE Lite HVCBA Welcome to the December 2024 edition of DRIVE Lite – Heavy Vehicle Competency Based Assessment (HVCBA). In this edition, learn about the Transport for NSW (Transport) review of HVCBA practices, aimed at ensuring the program...
DRIVE Lite – Driving Instructors DRIVE Lite Driving Instructors Welcome to the December 2024 edition of DRIVE Lite – Driving Instructors. In this edition, we share how to keep information secure with guidelines for being cybersecure in Transport for NSW...
Mandatory driving lessons for over-50s to curb accidents Experts suggest that Australians over the age of 50 should be required to attend driving lessons to reduce the number of road accidents, reports the “Daily Mail”. A new report suggests that...
Vale Dr Ray Shuey AM APM It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr Raymond Shuey AM APM, a highly respected and active member of many road safety organisations throughout Australasia. Ray was a former Victorian police officer and Assistant...
Service NSW Marrickville Service Centre is moving The Service NSW Marrickville Service Centre is moving to a bigger and better space in a different part of Marrickville Metro shopping centre. The re-located Service Centre will make it easier to access a range of NSW...