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NSW DTA Members and the public are invited to stay on top of our news and important information about driver education and training.
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Glad to see you! Let’s renew you…
NSW DTA members receive renewal emails each January and are invited to update their data. If you did not receive this or are a lapsed member (more than one year) please drop us this prompt and look for an email in your inbox shortly.
On the road Towards Zero
Road Rules Awareness Week is coming up in August, so take some time to brush up on your knowledge of the top 10 misunderstood road rules. The road is there to share and road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Whether you’re in a car or truck, on a motorcycle or bike, or a pedestrian, you can help keep yourself and others safe. Knowing the road rules is one of the best ways we can look out for each other on our roads. Put your knowledge to the test with our quiz. Take the quiz
Welcome to the July edition of DRIVE Lite – Heavy Vehicle Competency Based Assessment (HVCBA). In this edition, we share details on how you can order your free Fresnel lenses and protect yourself against odometer tampering. We also provide information on the new demerit point trial to reward safe drivers.
DRIVE Lite – Driving Instructors
DRIVE Lite - Driving InstructorsDear driving instructors, Welcome to the July edition of DRIVE Lite – Driving instructors. In this edition, we share some important information about the policy changes introduced for overseas driver from 1 July 2023...
New requirements for overseas licence holders
New requirements for overseas licence holdersPlease prepare yourselfIf an overseas licence holder arrives in NSW on or after 1 July 2023 & they remain here for 6 months or more , they will be required to convert their overseas licence to a NSW...
Service NSW Eastgardens Service Centre opening soon
Service NSW Eastgardens Service Centre opening soonTransport for NSW is inviting you to the new Service NSW Eastgardens Service Centre which is opening for business on Friday 2 June 2023 at:Level 2, Westfield 152 Bunnerong RoadEastgardens. The new...
Welcome to DRIVE Lite – HVCBA
Drive Lite - update from Transport for NSWWelcome to the first edition of DRIVE Lite - Heavy Vehicle Competency Based Assessment (HVCBA), a new update from Transport for NSW (Transport) about what's happening in your scheme. DRIVE Lite is all about...
New Distracted Driver Road Rules – VIC Roads
New Distracted Driver Road Rules - VIC RoadsDesigned to keep people safe new distracted driver road rules are now live. Designed to keep people safe new distracted driver road rules are now live. Distraction is a key contributor to road trauma with...
How to teach your teenager to drive – A Mother’s perspective
How to teach your teenager to DriveThis article first appeared in The Age - February 18, 2023 When my daughter got her L-plates I was, frankly, terrified. How could I, through verbal instruction only, be responsible for my child, car, other...
Safer cars for country kids
Safer cars for country kidsUpgrade to a safer vehicle The Safer Cars for Country Kids program will help get young drivers in regional NSW into newer and safer vehicles by providing a $5,000 subsidy for up to 1,000 young drivers to help them buy a...
Service NSW Bondi Junction Service Centre
Service NSW - Bondi JunctionA message from Service NSW Customers are at the heart of everything we do. The new relocated Service NSW Service Centre in Bondi Junction will provide fast and easy ways to access government transactions and services in...
Keys2Drive media update
The end of the Keys2Drive ProgramOur President, David Kennedy, was recently approached for the Association's opinion on the end of the Keys2Drive Program. Watch the video below to learn more. For more information talk to your closest Committee...
Member Portal Classifieds page now available
Discover your new Member Classifieds page.We are pleased to announce the introduction of a Classifieds section to our member portal. The Classifieds can be found under the Resources Tab of the portalIf you are looking to sell a vehicle send an...
Keys2drive will cease operations on 30 June 2023
Keys2drive will cease operations on 30 June 2023 The national Keys2drive program will conclude on 30 June 2023 as the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) works with the Australian Government on new road safety programs aligned with the National...
Driving Tests Backlog
Record number of driving tests as backlog builds, ‘easiest’ testing sites revealed A record number of people took a driving test last year in NSW after lockdown caused a backlog of the exams, and testing centres are still booked out weeks in...
Road User Handbook published in new community languages
Road User Handbook published in new community languages Transport for NSW is committed to supporting the needs of multicultural communities and have recently published the Road User Handbook in eight languages including Arabic, Simplified Chinese,...
Inquiry into mobile speed camera enforcement
NSW Government responseInquiry into mobile speed camera enforcement programs in NSWThe NSW government has released its response to the Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety’s (Staysafe) inquiry into Mobile speed camera enforcement programs in NSW...
Looking for Driving Training?
We’ll send you a list of qualified NSW DTA members in your area. The choice is yours!
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